Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Charlene Choi Wants To Take A Year Off

Charlene Choi suddenly collapsed and passed out for 10 seconds yesterday. Her scared mother vigorously slapped her until she regained consciousness. She awoke in a cold sweat and a red chest from her mother's beating. It seems Charlene has a history. Prior to going to a medical exam she suddenly fainted while shopping. Charlene experienced dizziness again while dancing.   Her mother and boyfriend are deeply concerned about her condition. She was very scared that she might die but Charlene said she still had four unfinished projects. 'I would like to complete as soon as possible and apply to take an extended holiday.' Reporters asked about a possible marriage to Ronald, 'I just want to rest, not yet ready to marry. I have savings, a year without working would not be a problem. It is important for a woman to have her own wealth and not rely on support of others.' (sina.com) (takungpao.com)


  1. Is this for real or one of those showbiz sympathy stories? If it's real, I hope she does take a year off -- no Butterfly Lovers 2 please!

    I say that but I'm also a fan who will watch any film she is in, LOL!

  2. Good to be sceptical, Glenn. Somehow, this rings true to me. Of course, I believe anything I read, too. But remember, she's been carrying the whole Twins torch since the Edison Photogate incident. It's been almost a year and a half now!

    Charlene, and most HK celebs (especially those in the EEG stable), seems to work non-stop. Only Korean pop stars work harder. So, it has the air of credibility. But will Albert Yeung/EEG let her off? Watch this space!
