Sunday, September 27, 2009

Li Bingbing - Star On The Rise

Besides being rivals in The Message, Li Bingbing and Zhou Xun are contesting to be Huayi Brothers' number one female actress.

Li Bingbing's star is on the ascendancy. According to the article, her performance with Huang Xiaoming surpasses the pairing of Zhou Xun and Zhang Hanyu. In addition, her clean public image and scandal free lifestyle, as opposed to Zhou Xun, has made her a role model. While Zhou Xun has appeared in mainly commercial films, Li Bingbing has starred in The Knot which has positive cross-straits theme.

It goes on to say: Gong Li has transplanted to Singapore, Maggie Cheung has not made a film in six years, Zhang Ziyi is struggling to break into Hollywood. Of her contemporaries, Zhao Wei, although good has not won any awards; Fan Bingbing has too many sex scandals; and Zhou Xun lies somewhere between the two. Of the four, Li Bingbing is truly outstanding.

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