Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Piffle, Paffle

Michael Tse Tin Wah with wife at ER
Michael Tse and wife, Tina
Laughing Gor's real-life wife was taken to the ER in an ambulance with 'stomach cramps'. Other accounts report that it was a suicide attempt due to depression over Tse's wandering ways. He has been seen frequenting clubs in the company of porn stars of late according to the reports. Reporters questioned the need for an ambulance for only stomach cramps. The ambulance was required according to TVB exec Virginia Lok because Tse's license was revoked for a past DUI conviction. ( More photos (
Triads behind reason for Andy Lau and Carol Zhu secret?
Hong Kong's East Week is reporting than 20 years ago when triads forced Andy to make a movie for them, they also threatened Carol with acid. So, for her safety, she moved to Malaysia and has since kept a low profile.
Lin Chi-Ling
Faye Wong spotted shopping for common household goods in Hong Kong has sparked rumors that she is moving back to Hong Kong. Faye's eldest daughter is also thought to have been enrolled in one of Hong Kong's prestigious schools. (
Aaron Kwok
Aaron Kwok, Alan Tam
Felix Wong
Lee San San
Dee, Barbie Hsu


  1. re: Michael Tse Tin Wah, Thanks for the awesome gossip---great combination of suicide attempt, drunk driving & porn star.

    Ditto Andy Lau & triads--keep it coming!

  2. It's relentlessly unavoidable, even with injudicious editing and filtering! :(
