Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Four Marshals, Two Directors, One Title

Francis Ng, a bounty killer?

Yu Nan, his partner

Four Marshals ( 四大名捕): two directors, one title, made famous by a martial arts novel written by Wen Rui'an .

Gordon Chan and Gao Qun Shu (co-director of The Message)  are contending for the use of the title 四大名捕. Gordon Chan has acquired adaptation rights to the wuxia novel and wants to make a costume martial arts (film?) series based on the novel. Gao Qun Shu has already been filming a modern tale in Gansu under the same title but the story is unrelated to the novel.

In Gao Qun Shu's film, the story (based on true events) is about four police and a fugitive. Casting includes Duan Yihong, Ni Dahong, Wu Jing (replacing Wang Baoqiang, though rumors persist that he may be filming secretly), Zhang Li, Francis Ng ,Charlie Young (Francis' girlfriend), Yu Nan,  (Xinhua) (2) (ifeng) HD slide show (4) (Sina.com) Francis and Yu Nan play world weary bounty killers who look to retire in Gansu after one last expedition. His favorite song is The Eagles' Hotel California.

Xia Yu, a fugitive

Filming in Gansu

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! Francis Ng in a red leather jacket! With a gun! Can't wait--
