Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shu Qi Has a More Mature Attitude Towards Acting

(Three Times)

Shu Qi admits that in the past it was easy to give the director what he wanted. Now, she wants to expand herself as an actress. Even if she is not capable enough, Shu Qi said, 'I want to challenge myself because youth is limited.'. When she was young, she struggled and did not absorb much, now Shu Qi understands more and wants to use a different method of acting. She wants challenge her limits and do what she did not think was possible. Shu Qi is now preparing to act in Hou Hsiao-Hsien's upcoming new costume marital arts film. (Sina.com) (Sina.com)

1 comment:

  1. I still don't understand why Hou Hsiao-Hsien is jumping on the big budget wuxia epic bandwagon but I am sure his film will look wonderful.

    Especially with Shu Qi in it!
