Monday, November 2, 2009

11.02.2009 - Movie News

Mulan opens November 27
Amazing Tales: Three Guns (Dec.10, earlier reported as Dec.11)
Ning Hao's No Man Land/No Man's Land (Dec.18)
Other release dates:  The Robbers/Tang Dynasty Brothers, Panda Express (Nov.20), Bodyguards and Assassins (Dec.18), Still unconfirmed: Treasure Hunter,14 Blades, Little Big Soldier, Confucius. (

Stephen Chow
Spotted outside a Hong Kong Jockey Club event, Stephen Chow said he will begin shooting a film next year. A noted bicycling enthusiast often seen riding about the city, reporters suggested a Shaolin Bicycle film would be appropriate. Asked if he was taking advantage of the real estate market to make big money, Chow was evasive.  (Sina)

Ann Hui has not decided whether a kissing scene between Vivian Chow and Chan Wei-Ting will be necessary. (Sina)

Aaron Kwok

Josie Ho

Josie, Aaron, Director Roy Chow, Christine To (writer)
Murderer aka Crime and Punishment promotion in Guangzhou. The ending was changed and the violence toned down in order to play in the Mainland. Josie Ho hoped that her Dream Homes would be accepted for screening with edits from director Pang Ho-Cheung. (Sina) (Xinhua)

CCTV: Remake of the classic "Mulan"
Actress Zhao Wei said, "I have dressed like a man before, but it was all about being funny. This time, I have to actually perform like a man. I'm not sure if the audience will think I'm really manly in this film. Director Ma has been devoted in sculpting my part and Chen Kun's role. So the movie is going to be very romantic."

CCTV: Stephen Fung's Jump
Hong Kong actor, singer, model, writer and film director Stephen Fung's third directorial effort "Jump" will come out soon to be screened for the year-end season. Fung has recently embarked on an intensive promotional campaign around China in hopes that it will help his movie "Jump" over some fierce box office competition...
THR: 'Stool Pigeon' starts filming in HK
'Beast Stalker' team returns with police story

[T]he first-ever recipient of the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actress, is making a comeback with a new indie film called “At the End of Daybreak.”

'Tuya's Marriage' director stands out at four-day market

Film production house now valued over $1.5 bil

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