Monday, November 9, 2009

Four Fantastic Detectives - Press Conference

Duan Yihong

Yu Nan

Charlie Young

Wu Jing

Yi Dahong

Francis Ng

Yu Nan, Francis Ng

Duan Yihong and director Gao Qunshu

Cast and crew light symbolic torch to represent that 'many hands make light'

Gao Qunshu hopes Four Fantastic Detectives will be China's lead into the western genre. The Chinese title was formally renamed. Hundreds of journalists were flown by charter flight to Gansu Province for the event. (Sina)

Four Fantastic Detectives (previously Four Marshals/Fierce West Wind here)
Following his impressive take on wartime espionage, film director Gao Qunshu is now pointing his camera towards modern crime.

Yu Nan, Francis Ng

Charlie Young, Xia Yu


  1. Yu Nan's a mighty tall gal, isn't she? She towers over Charlie Yeung. I recall her height being used to good advantage in Deadly Delicious.

    Hot pink looks good pretty good on Francis Ng. Once again proving that male HK stars are so secure in their masculinity that they can wear anything (see also Simon Yam post).

  2. I can never reconcile Yu Nan from Tuya's Marriage to seeing her in a more normal look. I still do a double take and ask myself is that really her?

  3. Yu Nan's height really stands out in that group photo, but since she's not quite 5'7" it's not so much she is tall as that the rest are relatively short.

  4. Thanks to the magic of movie making, I'll bet that they are all equal in height in their closeups! :)
