Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Simon, Jane, Pace,Lynn, Li Bingbing

Simon Yam and wife, Qi Qi
Attending a store opening, Simon Yam was saddened to hear of Lam Kau's passing. He said that he was heartened to see Ti Lung and other of Lam Kau's disciples. Simon has been working in the United States recently. (Xinhua)

Jane Zhang Liangying

Eason Chan

Jane Zhang Liangying signed with Universal Music Group, Eason Chan's label. Notably present was Albert Leung Wai-Man (aka Lin Xi) who penned Red Bean and other Faye Wong hits. Said Leung, 'Jane has a sense of Faye Wong, she has Faye Wong's potential'. (Xinhua)
CRI: Universal Records Held Welcome Ceremony for Jane Zhang

Pace Wu

Pace Wu for a Japanese fashion brand (Xinhua)

Li Bingbing

Li Bingbing attended the Beijing University of Chemical Technology for the inaugural "Sustainable Innovation and Student Competition" with former UN Deputy Secretary Maurice Strong. As Shanghai World Expo Charity Ambassador, Li Bingbing has been committed to public charities since Premier Wen Jiabao put forward the 'support and encourage student entrepreneurship' directive. She has also joined the Clinton Foundation. (Sina)

1 comment:

  1. Anyone have an idea what Simon is working on in the US of A?
