Saturday, January 23, 2010

1.23.2010 - News

Monga, the youth-gang film opens in Taiwan during the Lunar New Year and also at the Berlin Film Festival, then in Hong Kong in April.

In addition, the Berlin Film Festival announced the European premieres of Jackie Chan's Little Big Soldier and Yuen Wo-Ping's True Legend. Jackie plans to take a break from filming New Shaolin Temple and go to Berlin. Vincent Zhao, Zhou Xun and Jay Chou are also planning on attending. (Sina)

Chow Yun-Fat and the cast and crew of Confucius went to Qufu, Shandong Province, home of Confucius, to hold a solemn prayer ceremony. (Sina) (

Director Hu Mei and actress Chen Rui at the Jinan, Shandong premiere (Sina)

Ren Quan

Chow Yun-Fat kisses a fan's hand

Attendance, so far, has been reported as only ordinary. Avatar 3D still going strong at the box office. (Xinhua)

Hot Summer Days: Maggie Cheung plays a matchmaker to Daniel Wu and Vivan Hsu. in what is essentially a 3 minute solo scene. She is credited simply as 'Miss Cheung' in the film. (HunanTV)

"We began to think that we could use China's own stories to develop the industry, and that's worked really well," says Xu Jianhai, president of Beijing Forbidden City Film Co.
Chinese audiences typically shun musicals, horror and westerns, which rules out many Hollywood films. But they do like costume dramas, romances, war stories and kung-fu films. Except for a few government-subsidized political films Michael Moore documentaries, almost all productions widely shown in China the US are escapist.


  1. I'm tempted sign up for the free 2-week subscription to WSJ just so I can smirk while reading the rest of that article. Talk about being the last to get the news about China's film industry. And "Homegrown Movies" makes it sound like a farmer making Super-8 movies in his backyard (although isn't there some kind of DIY filmmaking scene in the villages?).

  2. I was able to read the whole article and I don't think I have a WSJ subscription.??? Let me go back and check again. Maybe you're on a Fox/Rupert Murdoch blacklist! :)

    Yeah, a few years ago, there seemed to be a rash of homemade films but I haven't seen any such reports recently.

  3. I re-grabbed the article from Google's cache and reposted ithere. :)

  4. Thanks! The article wasn't as condescending as I anticipated.

    Gosh... I guess I'm quickly becoming one of the few people in the world who hasn't seen Avatar yet. ;p

  5. Gosh... I guess I'm quickly becoming one of the few people in the world who hasn't seen Avatar yet. ;p

    +1 8)
