Thursday, April 29, 2010

Go Lala Go! Celebrates 100 Million Box Office

Xu Jinglei cooked and served noodles (one of the branded investors) in Beijing to celebrate breaking 100 million yuan at the box office. Defending herself for the excessive product placements, Xu said that when planning the film, distribution was not promising and she could not guarantee the quality of the film without accepting brand endorsements.

Xu Jinglei

Pace Wu

Stanley Huang

Executive producer Zhang Yibai

Stanley Huang, Xu Jinglei, Pace Wu, Zhang Yibai

Xu Jinglie feeds Pace Wu

Stanley Huang



  1. I had assumed that Go Lala Go would open here in Hong Kong at the same time but I don't think it's out yet here. Wonder when HK gets this?

  2. I don't see that it's been submitted for ratings yet, so no time soon, I'm guessing.
