Sunday, May 2, 2010

5.2.2010 - News

CRI: Donnie Yen: No More 'Ip Man'
CRI: Actor-Singer Chen Kun Talks about Difficult Past
Chen Kun said in a TV show that his sister used to sell blood to finance his career. [In the Chinese report, and previously, it's reported that Chen has a secret eight year old son, the mother has not been identified.]

CRI: Gong Li Honored at French Pavilion
[Gong Li is the face of L'Oreal, a sponsor of the French Pavilion]
China Hush: A complete one day guide to Shanghai World Expo
Hong Kong newspaper says China banning its journalists from Shanghai World Expo
Critics see red over China's 'copycat' culture at Shanghai Expo

Brother Sharp at the airport

Brother Sharp's debut on fashion runway

Flying in from Jiangxi to Guangdong, Brother Sharp (Cheng Guorang) was described as hesitant and had some stage fright in his first public appearance. Viewers said that Brother Sharp no longer possesses his original charm. Audience expectation was too high and thus they were disappointed. According to reports, Brother Sharp has lost his natural beauty, missing his sunken deep set eyes and a look of bitterness. Underneath his designer clothes, Brother Sharp was quiet, cautious, and nervously fearful, the image of a small man. (Xinhua)

Brother Sharp sightseeing at nearby Chime-Long Paradise, an amusement park

Jennifer Tse Ting-Ting appears as Little Dragon Girl for a Jin Yong exhibition

Earlier last week, Louis Cha (Jin Yong) received a Life Achievement Award for his contributions to local culture and arts. (Sina)

Jacky Cheung

Jacky Cheung held a mini-concert at the Polytechnic University Jockey Club Auditorium performing songs from his new CD Private Corner, a few old hits as well as some songs by Sam Hui and Deanie Ip. (Sina)


  1. Congrats to Commandeur Gong Li, "Ambassador of Charm". For some reason, after seeing her cleavage in this context, I have a hankering to see her portray Marie Antoinette!

    Regarding the Chinese Pavillion as a copy of the 1967 Expo's Canadian Pavillion, puhleeze! It's basically just an inverted pyramid. I would be surprised if 1967 was the first time that such a structure was ever built.

    And to Brother Sharp: You've sold out... lost your edge. ;p

  2. Regarding the Haibao/Gumby controversy, don't all cute mascots look alike at some level?

    Here's a pretty even-handed take on the supposed copying.

    Looks like it's time for some more China bashing in the Western press.

  3. I think there's an argument for the Chinese Pavilion being similar to the Japanese Pavilion.

    But I'll give a pass on Gumby. Yeah, it's pretty generic looking. Haibao looks more like a dental character with a Bob's Big Boy hairdo, like this one
