Monday, May 3, 2010

The Double Life, Two Sides of Sister Lotus

Sister Lotus (or Sister Hibiscus) in Ning Ying's The Double Life

(HunanTV), (Sina)


  1. LOL... thanks for indulging my new interest!

    So, are these photos related to a new film by Ning Ying?

  2. Never mind! I forgot that this is the film you posted about the other day. :p

  3. My gist is that Sister Lotus is a shameless self-promoter -- one of those many famous for being famous types. She disappeared (from my radar) for a few years and now seems to have resurfaced having landed a film gig with Ning Ying.

    I was tempted to just ignore her, but I thought the photos were pretty nice, maybe despite the subject. :D

  4. I have a soft spot for loopy eccentrics (I'm thinking of Bai Ling right now), but I will probably become bored with Sister Lotus the next time you post something about her.

  5. I know, it was the leopard skin suit wasn't it? :D

  6. LOL... yep, that's what caught my attention. You know my proclivities all too well!
