Saturday, June 26, 2010

6.26.2010 - News

CRI: "Welcome to Shama Town" Promotes in Chengdu

Stanley Tong's Vanguard will star Donnie Yen and Zhang Ziyi and begin filming next year it was announced yesterday. The film is a military action drama and the script has been three years in development. Rumors of Song Hye-Kyo and Wentworth Miller of Prison Break joining the cast have not been confirmed. Vanguard is the first project of a new company, Big Pictures Film Group(?), formed in collaboration with Eric Tsang announced at the SIFF. (Xinhua)
Eric Tsang, Stanley Tong - Shanghai

CNNGo: Chrissie Chau kicked out of the Hong Kong Book Fair
Chrissie Chau (Sina)

More banned authors! (Sina)
Rosamund Kwan and other celebrities appeared for beauty brand Lancome

Josie Ho

Anita Yuen


Zhang Zilin - Miss World 2007

26 year-old Zhang Zilin will shoot her first film, Ding Sheng's 'Tough Guy 2' [Underdog Knight 2] with Liu Ye beginning July 1

Global Times: Happily never after? Reality behind "perfect" celebrity marriages
Taipei Times: Pop Stop,
Jay-Jolin, Sammi-Andy, Huang Xiaoming-Angelababy, and more, including Jolin Tsai's shrinking breasts (2)

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