Thursday, June 17, 2010

Maggie Cheung is a Goddess

Maggie Cheung as sea goddess Matsu

We've always thought Maggie was a goddess, and now she plays one. Maggie Cheung appears in an experimental film as the sea goddess Matsu. She has no dialogue but as Matsu expresses concern and compassion while floating over the earth. Maggie seems sad and very mysterious. Shot entirely in front of a green screen, the backgrounds were added in later. Matsu begins her flight in the UK over Lancashire and eventually arrives over Shanghai across time and space.  Actress Zhao Tao is in another segment set in 1930's era Shanghai as if in Stanley Kwan's Center Stage. The film is called "Ten Thousand Waves" and is shown only as a gallery exhibit. The work is created as a 50-minute video installation by British artist Isaac Julian and meant to be seen by the viewer not from a fixed seat but by walking or sitting around the 9 screens in the installation.  (Sina)23, 4 Ten Thousand Waves is currently showing in Shanghai and Sydney, coming to Helsinki and London. [Schedule]

Zhao Tao

Zhao Tao at yesterday's press conference

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