Monday, June 21, 2010

More CCTV Movie Channel Media Awards Pictures (SIFF)

Not to be ignored in the wake of Tang Wei's appearance Saturday night at the Film Channel Movie Awards, a bevy of other stars presented and received awards:

CCTV Movie Channel Media Awards 2010
Best Film: Ocean Heaven (海洋天堂)
Best Director: ZHANG Jiarui (章家瑞) for Distant Thunder (迷城)
Best Actor: Wen Zhang (文章) for Ocean Heaven (海洋天堂)
Best Actress: Lu Liping (呂麗萍) for City Monkey (玩酷青春)
Best Supporting Actor: Yip Chun (葉准) for The Legend is Born: Ip Man (葉問前傳)
Best Supporting Actress: Li Bin (李濱) for City Monkey (玩酷青春)
Best New Director: XUE Xiaolu (薛曉路) for Ocean Heaven (海洋天堂)
Best New Actor: Guo Xiaoran (郭曉然) for Distant Thunder (迷城)
Best New Actress: Na Zhiye (娜芝葉) for Deep in the Clouds (碧羅雪山)
Jury Prizes: Good Earth (大地), My Beloved China (可愛的中國), A Joyous Story Along the Yellow River (黃河喜事)
Media Award: Heaven Eternal, Earth Everlasting (80'后)


Charlie Young

Charlie Young

Gigi Leung

Gigi Leung

Gong Xinliang (MiuMiu)

Annie Wu

Geng Le

Michelle Ye Xuan

Wang Luodan

Zhao Ziqi

To Yu-Hang

Zhang Yang


Best Director, Zhang Jiarui

Yip Chun, Best Supporting Actor

Best Actress, Lu Liping

Lu Liping

Ocean Heaven: Best Film, Actor, Director - Gigi Leung, Wen Zhang, Xue Xiaolu

Caption says Best Supporting Actress, I suspect it's really Best New Actress Na Zhiye since Li Bin is an elderly granny.

Tang Wei, Gong Xinliang, Annie Wu, Michelle Ye, Zhao Ziqi, To Yu-Hang, Charlie Young, Gigi Leung


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