Monday, June 14, 2010

Ocean Heaven - Beijing Premiere

(June 14) Jet Li and the cast of Ocean Heaven walked the blue carpet in Beijing. Jet surprised the audience when he unexpectedly appeared with his two daughters. He said that this is a film full of warmth, we all have children, many people will become a father, I hope we can go to movie theater during Father's Day and watch it. Fans also cheered, 'Jet Li One Foundation', which moved Jet to bow and thank them.

Jet Li

Jet Li and two daughters

Director Xue Xiaolu

Gong Xinliang

Guei Lun-Mei

Guei Lun-Mei, Wen Zhang

Cao Bingkun

Sik Siu-Lung (the child actor from the Shaolin Popey films)

Li Jing

Ma Zihan

Yong Mei, Chen Rui

Yong Mei
Xue Xiaolu, Yong Mei, Chen Rui, Jet Li, Kuei Lun-Mei, Wen Zhang

(Sina), (Xinhua)

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