Friday, June 18, 2010

Welcome to Shamatown - Shanghai Premiere

Sun Honglei's costar, Lin Chi-ling, was absent from the premiere in Shanghai. During the opening press conference, Sun Honglei was accidentally hit by a water bottle that was thrown. This was a result of photographers in the back of the room trying to get the reporters in the front row to sit down. Instead of hitting the reporters, Sun Honglei was struck but he defused the situation with a joking remark. Sun also told reporters that he didn't agree with director Li Weiran's ending to the film and had a different outcome for the characters in his mind. The film opens nationwide June 22. In other remarks, Sun Honglei confirmed that he had been approached to costar with Zhang Ziyi in Revolution but did not say that he had accepted yet. (Xinhua), 2
Gan Wei and Sun Honglei tango

from left: Cao Bingkun, Gan Wei, Li Weiran, Sun Honglei

Gan Wei, Sun Honglei

Gan Wei, Sun Honglei

Cao Bingkun

Sun Honglei
Gan Wei

Sun Honglei

Cao Bingkun, Li Weiran, Sun Honglei

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