Friday, June 25, 2010

World Cup - Photo of the Day


Defending World Cup champions the Azzurri of Italy crashed out yesterday in a stunning defeat by Slovakia. Being the last person in the world in wired-up America without cable TV, I have to resort to Spanish language Univision to watch the World Cup matches. (After watching last weekend's ABC broadcast with the bland as boiled vegetables BBC announcer, it's a welcome passionate alternative. Also, I love the Univision 360 cam.) For some reason though, Univision  chose to show Paraguay vs New Zealand instead so I missed the match. By expert accounts, Italy's team was over the hill. The ugly tyranny of youth raises its head again. That leaves Portugal, Spain and Germany as the remaining Euro power teams. Portugal is playing Brazil as I write, but unless they flame out spectacularly they, along with poster boy handsome Cristiano Ronaldo, should move on to the elimination round. 
Today's paper recounts President Bill Clinton's attendance at the USA-Algeria match Wednesday. Apparently, he is on the committee campaigning to bring the World Cup back to the USA in 2018 or 2022. After the match, the Former First Saxophonist asked where he could buy a vuvuzela! Also, he went to the team locker room after the victory to share beers with the guys. Maybe he's heard of the WAGs! ;D

Bill Clinton and team captain Carlos Bocanegra
"I heard the Dutch beer girls might be here."

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