Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gao Yuanyuan's Erratic Behaviour in Hong Kong Exposed!

Well, that's what this particular article would have you believe. Based on photos of Gao Yuanyuan who is filming with Johnnie To and Louis Koo in Central, Hong Kong. The article derides her for sitting improperly, with her feet in hand and up on the seat, wearing hotel slippers, hiking up her trousers! The unnamed copy writer concludes with citations of other actresses and their offenses. I guess it sounds better than saying, we don't know what they were filming.

The evidence of Gao Yuanyuan's strange behaviour:

Exhibit A - Without regard for deportment and utter disregard of manners

Exhibit B
Exhibit C


  1. Shocking! Truly beyond the pale. ;p

  2. I imagine that it's quite hot and humid in Hong Kong right now. So, who's the crazy one, the one in slippers, or the one if a suit? :D
