Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tang Wei - Old Photos

Looking for one thing, and found another. That's the nature of the internet beast. Some old pictures of actress Tang Wei, including a pizza advert!

19 year-old Tang Wei (1997)

(lower left)

High school production (DJ T-Wei, in the house!)

Ten years later



  1. Tang Wei is so tight-lipped with her smile nowadays. I don't know why. She has a great smile. Anyway, thanks for the pics. (I'm sure she'd rather forget about those pizza pics, but hey -- you gotta start somewhere!)

  2. Tang Wei is so tight-lipped with her smile nowadays.
    Experience will do that to you. :{

    Found some more old magazine spreads of when Tang Wei was just getting attention. I'll post them at a later date. ;D
