Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8.17.2010 - News

John Woo’s “A Better Tomorrow” showed the world what Hong Kong noir was all about, and the Korean remake of the 1986 classic is now awaiting release on Chuseok next month, with the support of Woo as a producer.
In Hong Kong sci-fi action movie City Under Siege, audiences will see the handsome 44-year-old like never before.
The romantic comedy "Color Me. Love" starring Yao Chen and Liu Ye, which aims to be the most romantic film this fall, is set for an October 28th release, Mtime.com reports. (Sina)

Tony Leung Ka-Fai and Kelly Lin  are filming a thriller in Xi'an directed by Zhang Qi. Tony plays a mysterious doctor that has to solve six puzzles each one more suspenseful than the last. He has an ambiguous relationship with Kelly Lin. Filming should complete in September.
Kelly Lin

Tony Leung Ka-Fai, Kelly Lin

The back story relationship of Wu Jing and Zhang Jingchu was edited out of City Under Siege

Andrew Lin brings his art exhibition to Beijing. He will begin work on Tony Ching Siu-Tung's White Snake in September. Andrew worked on the special effects design on Alien 3 while living in the US before returning to Hong Kong and becoming an actor. He came out of retirement to work on special effects make-up for Josie Ho's highly regarded Dream Home. He hopes to raise the level of Chinese special effects in the 3D White Snake which has a HK$10M special effects budget.
Andrew Lin

Shawn Yue on the August cover of Jet (Hong Kong) magazine

Poster for Hong Kong Film Training

From the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers produced website:
Hong Kong Filmmakers from the industry's professional body composed of ten members, including: Hong Kong Film Directors, Screen Writers Association of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers, the Hong Kong Film Arts Association, Hong Kong Movie Production Executives Association, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Association, Hong Kong Cinematography Lighting Association, the Hong Kong Stuntman Association, the Hong Kong Film Association and the Hong Kong film post-editing professional associations, covering more than 1,800 workers over the film, as the industry's key organizations and non-profit organizations. Committed to the protection and the protection of rights and interests of Hong Kong Filmmakers, Filming in Hong Kong to upgrade to improve the environment, as well as industry and government circles as a bridge.

Over the years the Federation of actively promoting the film industry, from film policy, education and training, which had spared no effort to promote Hong Kong films. Including the SARS outbreak during the launch, "1:99 Shorts" short film inspirational cheer for the people of Hong Kong; for the industry shortage of talent and established "film professional training program"; launched the "Hong Kong Film Workers professionally produced guidelines and Industrial Safety Manual" and so on.

Andy Hui admitted that he had secretly dated former personal assistant Pan Heng Zhang in a handwritten letter to the media on Tuesday, reported Hong Kong media.

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