Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Carina Lau - InStyle Magazine

Carina Lau



  1. I hate the word MILF so how to describe how wonderful Carina looks? I think she's entering that Sophia Lorean phase -- I don't mean as old but I mean an actress who looks great even as she gets older and who clearly possesses a lot of style and class. Great photos!

  2. Well, that's why I don't (usually) post those 'stars without makeup' spreads and other less than flattering photo collections,e.g., stars caught eating with their mouths open'. I like to maintain my illusions ;D

    p.s. Andy Lau is performing in a series of HK concerts over Christmas/New Year, don't know if that's of interest to you or not. Apparently, his polling numbers are down and he's cut back on the original 20 shows planned.

  3. Carina Lau & Tony Leung have already been class acts

  4. I'm hoping for an Ultimate Catfight Match on the red carpet if Carina and Maggie cross paths in Venice. Both have films screening, so it could happen...if only in my dreams. :D

  5. I'll go see Andy if he leaps offstage to rescue a fan from his own security guards again.

    I need to see what tickets cost and I also need to investigate the Joey Yung concerts. That HK coliseum was so uncomfortable that, if I couldn't make it for Ah Sa and Ah Gil, I don't know if I could make it for Joey either.

    Maybe if I don't go on the same day that I fly, it would be easier on me?
