Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cecilia Cheung in Shanghai

Cecilia Cheung attending a fashion event in Shanghai. Earlier, it was reported that Cecilia has frequently visited husband Nicholas Tse to watch over him while he is filming a TV series in Shandong for three months. Besides Charlene Choi, a 'little Vivian Hsu' is in the cast of the series to tempt him. :D

Cecilia Cheung

'Clone' of Vivian Hsu (Sina)

Cecilia visiting set


  1. Cecilia Cheung is another very pretty and talented actress. In my opinion, she's "okay" in those comedies, (though, I did like her in "King of Comedy") but I think she really shines in dramas like "Lost in Time", "Fly Me to Polaris", and "Failan".

  2. Oh, I should add, I was totally surprised by Cecilia Cheung's and Karen Mok's cameo in "Shaolin Soccer" - that scene had me laughing for several minutes. :)
