Thursday, October 7, 2010

Detective Dee - Taipei Premiere

(Oct. 6) Andy Lau was absent from the Taipei premiere of Detective Dee and The Mystery of the Phantom Flame.
Carina Lau

Carina Lau, Li Bingbing

Carina Lau

Tsui Hark

Li Bingbing rocks the fringe

Deng Chao

Deng Chao, Li Bingbing

Carina Lau, Deng Chao, Li Bingbing

Stand-in for Andy Lau

Deng Chao, Li Bingbing, Tsui Hark, Carina Lau, Chen Kuo-Fu

Tsui Hark, Carina Lau, Chen Kuo-Fu

Deng Chao, who is popular in Taiwan, received a gift from a fan

Deng Chao, Thank you, thank you very much.

(Sina-gallery), 2(Xinhua)


  1. Carina - so all she has to do is get angry and Tony will take her into a fancy jewelry store to make her happy? No wonder so many women are envious of her! :)

    I recall that some people wrote about "Detective Dee" that Li Bingbing hasn't had much training in martial arts for movies, yet her characters in both "Forbidden Kingdom" and "Silverhawk" were quite effective fighters. Maybe she had some stunt doubles? I'm glad she's getting more roles and exposure now.

    This photo of Li Bingbing cracks me up - how did people not recognize her and/ or Jeon Jihyun?
    Li Bingbing and Jeon Jihyun

  2. This photo of Li Bingbing cracks me up - how did people not recognize her and/ or Jeon Jihyun?

    Well, they were playing teenagers in that scene, weren't they?

    Honestly, I think I would't recognize most stars out and about unless I had a clue like a bevy of surrounding paparazzi. Watching TMZ, I often wonder how they manage to spot most of those stars. :D

  3. I want to take a pair of scissors and cut the fringe off bing bing jie's dress!! the shoes are awesome though!

  4. I dunno, those shoes are bordering close to being 'strappy shoes'! ;D
