Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chen Kaige and Karen Mok - Ribbon Cutting

Talk about an odd couple. Chen Kaige and Karen Mok attended a ribbon cutting ceremony in Beijing for a flagship watch brand, Jaeger LeCoultre.

Chen Kaige, Karen Mok



  1. You know, I'm no fashion expert, and while I love Karen and her famous legs I've just got to say...those stockings are just ridiculous with that dress at that function!

    Karen Mok can't turn into Cyndi Lauper.

  2. I dunno, it works for me. :D

    The article says that her outfit features important elements of her upcoming concert: water ballet(!) and dancing. Kind of hard to tell from those pics.

  3. It looks like her legs are bleeding. That said, I love the juxtaposition of glam-Karen and pinstripe Chen

  4. It looks like her legs are bleeding.
    That's probably from me staring too hard!

    I like #5, with the guy sneaking a peek...and busted. :D
