Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jordan and Cherrie's (Ding) Fabulous Wedding

Doesn't this look like it was fun?

Jordan Chan signs the wedding contract...

...and reads the fine print!

Cherrie Ying, Jordan Chan and Cherrie's parents

Jordan's father

Inveterate photographer, Chapman To captured the wedding scene on his Weibo
Jordan Chan

Jordan, Cherrie

Tea ceremony

Young and Dangerous

Big pimpin' - Chapman's wedding couple's ride (Sina)

Chapman To and wife, Kristal Tin

Eve of the decisive battle :)

Arrival of the bride and groom before the ceremonies
Cherrie trying to hide

Cherrie Ying
Sign outside 

Disneyland Hotel decorated for the wedding and banquet

Louis Yuen Siu-Cheung, master of ceremonies

With Jordan's father
Ekin Cheng 

Cherrie Ying just happens to be on the cover of December issue of Cosmopolitan Bride


  1. Wow, grown men in shorts at a formal wedding. Is that normal?

  2. Somehow, the guys managed to pull it off. Rather cheeky! :D

    I think the whole wedding reflects their puckish approach to the event.

  3. I love the short pants! So Hong Kong idol style!
