Friday, December 31, 2010

Carina Lau's 2011 Calendar

Blond, bold, mature, and sexy. Carina Lau's self-published calendar was produced as a limited edition gift (1208, her birth date) for friends. It's called 'Generation Ka-Ling'.

+0 = Ka-Ling, a pun on Carina's name

And one from her Weibo

(Sina), 2, 3


  1. I liked the photos of Carina in the January L'Officiel Issue better than the calendar photos. :(

    Maybe I just find Chinese with blonde hair a good combination. I once asked a Singaporean actress why her character had blonde hair and she said something along the lines of "My character was the blonde Wong Kar Wai seductress type". :)

  2. I didn't recognize Carina at first. I almost skipped it before I checked it out.

    The photos reminded me of her role as Mimi in Days of Being Wild for some reason.

  3. Whoops, I made a typo - I should have typed in, "Maybe I just don't find Chinese with blonde hair a good combination."
