Monday, January 17, 2011

Zhang Jingchu - Harbin Film Festival

More photos of Zhang Jingchu at the Harbin Film Festival

Zhang Jingchu accepted the award for Best Picture for Aftershock

Andrew Lau and Wang LeeHom

Walking the red carpet with Wang LeeHom

Enjoying one of Harbin's Ice Festival sculptures



  1. I'd like to visit Harbin someday - probably would have to go twice: once to see the ice/ snow festival and a second time to see the other sites there (when it's warmer)! I'm worried that my video camcorder and DSLR won't work in such cold temperature (yes I know, "stick them inside your coat and take them out only when you are shooting"). :)

  2. One of the local resort hotels here brought a few dozen ice sculptors from Harbin the past few years to create an ice show for the holiday season. Not quite as spectacular as Harbin's festival, I'm sure.
