Saturday, March 12, 2011

Chapman To - Photographers Everywhere in Hong Kong

Photographers everywhere in Hong Kong

Wing Shya - recognize that camera? That's the one Chapman used at Faye's concert.

Shawn Yue

Joey Yung (and Chapman)

Who is Shima11? Look at these:  Shima11 sampler


  1. I took a look at Shima11's flickr site. He's a great portrait photographer. Here are two more celebrity pics I came across:

    Daniel Wu

    Clara Law and Eddie Fong

    Anyway, thanks for the post! Makes me want to shoot on film again. ;)

  2. Thanks, Dave! I saw a couple of Daniel Wu.

    Anyway, thanks for the post! Makes me want to shoot on film again. ;)

    There's an app for it! (or probably a few hundred) :D Yeah, I especially like the black and white ones but I also like the one titled, "Tattoo at LKF 2", under the sampler link

  3. I'm so used to clicking horizontally on Flickr that I didn't scroll down and missed all the photos on the sampler link after CYF. Great stuff!

  4. Hi dleedlee --

    Have definitely noticed lots of avid photographers in Hong Kong -- so I guess it goes to reason that a lot of celebrities are such too! :)

  5. Well, there's certainly no shortage of people, places and things to shoot for anyone with half an urge!
