Friday, April 29, 2011

Huang Yi in Shangri-La

On location for Johnnie To's High Altitude Romance.

A few from her Weibo

With Wilfred Lau



  1. Those photos remind me of my trip to the Songzanlin Monastery in Shangri-la. Those steps in the second photo will really take your breath away (leave you short winded). Of course, when I was there, Huang Yi was not. :(

    It's a nice place to visit, but there was an ethnic Tibetan woman who got mad at me for taking her photo and I didn't pay her (I was actually interested in her Tibetan Mastiff dog!).

    They don't let you take photos of the Buddha - the ones on wikipedia must have been taken without anyone watching them.

    Ganden Sumtseling Monastery (松赞林寺 Sōngzànlín Sì)

  2. It looks like an amazing place. I'd be happy to run into Huang Yi in a 7-11. :D

    A lot of places rely on tourism to earn income. I remember in Huangshan you were supposed to make an offering if you wanted to photograph the monk meditating in a cave.
