Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why Huang Yi Missed the Eagle Shooting Heroes 2011 Press Conference

During the media set visit to Jeff Lau's Eagle Shooting Heroes 2011 in Guangdong, Huang Yi suffered from non-stop coughing and sudden nosebleeds, the effects of altitude sickness and overwork. Huang Yi did not attend the afternoon press conference introducing the actors. Instead, the press was told that Huang Yi had to leave to take a long and circuitous route back to the set in mountainous Yunnan. Her busy schedule recently included appearances at the Beijing International Film Festival, the Shanghai International Auto Show besides recently filming 3 days on Johnnie To's High Altitude Romance in Yunnan. As a result, Huang Yi is currently resting according to her assistant. She told fans not to worry. Earlier this year, Michelle Ye collapsed at a press conference for The Founding of a Party. In recent years, you may recall that Charlene Choi has complained of her busy work schedule and in January she fainted at the Shanghai airport.

I always marvel at how these celebrities manage to keep in the public eye, seemingly daily, and then you read about these incidents. (yule)(Xinhua), (qq), (Sina)

[All the dates are approximate, following the mainland press practice of dropping the When.] ;D

Eason Chan, Karen Mok, Huang Yi at the media set visit (Apr.27)

Group photo sans Huang Yi (Sina-gallery)

Huang Yi in Shangri-La (Apr.26)

Beijing (Apr.23)

Shanghai Auto Show (Apr.19 or 20) (Sina)


  1. Having read this post I realize that Huang Yi had seemed to be at press events every day for what seemed to be a period of week with few if any of them in the same city.

    Almost as if her body decided there was just too much stress and decided to slow things down for a while.

  2. These grueling schedules don't seem out of the norm. I usually try to spread around my posts on various celebs' activities (plus, there's simply too many, I get weary just trying to follow them all) but when I saw this report on Huang Yi, I went back and dug out her recent appearances.

    I wonder if they have frequent flier miles programs in China!
