Saturday, May 21, 2011

Huang Yi and Jennifer Tse Launch "Caring Robots" Exhibition

Qeelin today unveils the results of the inaugural Qeelin Art Award at the ‘Caring Robot’ Exhibition at the Oval Atrium of International Finance Centre (ifc), the one-week exhibition from May 20 to May 27 celebrates the innovative works of eight talented young artists from Paris, Hong Kong and Beijing. All are welcome to bid on the art work by silent charity auction, with the proceeds will go towards UNICEF to benefit children around the world. Qeelin is a jewelry brand with Paris-Hong Kong origins.

Grand Award

Max by Anne- Claire Bottos

At first glance, Max may seem cold and frosty. But take a closer look, and
you will see the warmth and soul in this Parisian artist’s ceramic creature. His
chest gauge pumped to the max with optimism and peppy vibes, Max is the
benevolent spirit that perches on your shoulder and whispers endearments that
echo from all over the world. His mission is simple: to unite humanity with his
messages of, “Courage”, “Vas-y”, “I believe in you” and “勇氣” [Valor].

Outstanding Awards
Property Vs Poverty? by Ma Ka Yee
Ma’s caring robot, titled Property vs. Poverty?, demonstrates the greed of
some powerful businessmen who focus solely on profits, while sacrificing
the beauty of nature. Their obsession with money blinds them, resulting in a
blatant disregard for the dark and harmful emissions that billow from their
factories. With ears perforated by nails, the robot is deaf to the pleading
cries for help from the public. Endangered species and beautiful plants
around the world are destroyed to allow large corporations to siphon more
profits while the robot’s skyscraper-legs flatten the liberties and hopes of
the human race.

Red by Wang Wei

What invokes fortune and jubilation more eloquently than the colour red?
Red pays homage to centuries of Chinese heritage through its colour scheme
and stencilled motifs. The stencilling technique is one that was perfected
by ancient Chinese craftsmen over the centuries, and still runs like a thread
through modern society to conjure the joy shared by ancestors from ages past.
Chinese artist Wang Wei revisits this integral part of Chinese culture while
bringing a dynamic touch of modernism to his design. Glossy and
sophisticated, Red injects freshness into a beloved heritage.

Huang Yi

Jennifer Tse Ting-Ting

Maggie Cheung's stint as Qeelin's creative director was reported here. (scroll to bottom) And she is the face of Qeelin on their web site. Maggie is Qeelin's muse, according to the site, and made headlines for the brand wearing their Wulu collection at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival where she won Gold Palm for Best Actress in her role in Clean.

Photo by Wing Shya  [7.20.2010]


  1. I like the way Huang Yi and Jennifer Tse look in those photos. I took a photo of an ad (which has three photos of Jennifer) for Hong Kong's Times Square when I was there in 2008.

    Times Square ad

  2. Cool! Not sure I'd have recognized her. :D
