Thursday, July 28, 2011

Louis Vuitton Opening - Louis Koo, Huang Yi, et al

(July 27) Louis Koo attended a Louis Vuitton ribbon-cutting store opening ceremony in Guangzhou last night despite injuring himself the night before. Louis tripped on a carpet and took a fall down the stairs at home reinjuring his ACL and also hurting his wrist. The injury was considered worse that the original, which occurred while shooting A Chinese Ghost Story last year [9.13.2010], because he cannot have surgery so soon after the previous surgery.

Louis was scheduled to begin work on Ronny Yu's Yang Family Warriors on August 2. Besides the possibility of missing the boot ceremony, Louis might resign from the film entirely(?).

 Huang Yi looked after Louis Koo at the LV event. Other celebrities at the event included: Dong Jie, Hu Bing, Kathy Chow, Niki Chow and models Patina Lin and Du Juan.

Louis Koo

Cane, knee and wrist brace

Huang Yi

Dong Jie

Kathy Chow, Niki Chow

Patina Lin

Hu Bing, Huang Yi

Dong Jie, Yves Carcelle, LV Chairman and CEO, Huang Yi

(Sina)2, 3, 4


  1. Poor Louis Koo! He's a gamer--

  2. Putting a crimp in Ronny Yu's comeback plans, too!
