Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Story of David With Huang Bo

Beijing publicity event for The Story of David (lit. Egg Fried Rice) which opened July 28, starring Huang Bo, Sophie Guo Jin and Wang Yi.

The Forrest Gump-like tale tells the story of 3 Beijingers and the social changes over the course of three decades. The film features both comedy and nostalgia. Huang Bo plays a fool who sells a family heirloom and opens a fried rice restaurant.

Actress Sophia Guo Jin is a former ATV-sponsored Miss Asia Pageant runner-up (1997, to Belinda Hamnett) who later returned to the mainland to restart her career.

Director Chen Yu has a PhD. and is currently associate professor at Beijing University School of Art.

 Made in 2009, the small-budget film is just now getting released. At this year's Beijing Student Film Festival, The Story of David won the Best Debut Award.

Huang Bo

Guo Jin

Director Chen Yu, Huang Bo, Guo Jin

Huang Bo, Guo Jin, Wang Yi

Director Zhang Yang lending support

Love triangle

Huang Bo, Wang Yi, Sophie Guo Jin

Guo Jin

Huang Bo, Sophie Guo Jin

Huang Bo, Wang Yi, Sophie Guo Jin

Guo Jin and sugar daddy

Sophie Guo Jin rock style

Guo Jin

Wang Yi, Guo Jin, director Chen Yu, Huang Bo

2009 promotional appearance - Guo Jin,  Huang Bo (Xinmin)

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