Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shu Qi - Earth Angel USB

(Aug.11) Shu Qi promotes environmental awareness in Taipei with the Kingston Earth Angel environmental-friendly USB drives.

Delivering the “Love the Earth” Message, Kingston Launches Earth Angel USB Drive in Australia
Each Kingston Earth Angel USB Drive is preloaded with an animation hand-drawn by Jimmy and voiced by Shu Qi

In honor of June 5 World Environment Day, the Earth Angel USB flash drives, designed by eminent Taiwanese illustrator Jimmy Liao, and produced by Kingston Technology Company, recently hit the entire Asian market. Jimmy's USB flash drive contains his personally created three-minute Earth Angel flash that calls upon the public to make the world a better place. The net profit on sales of the Earth Angel USB flash drives will go to World Wild Life Fund environmental protection programs. Famous Taiwan-born actress Fanny Shu (Shu Qi) initiated the project. (Source)

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