Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Guei Lun-Mei - Men's Uno (飲水思源) [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver]

Guei, Gwai, Guey, Kwai, however you choose to spell it, Lun-Mei is always of interest to me. Photos, I'm guessing, look like they could be the work of Chen Man.




  1. Wow - she looks gorgeous in these photos. Her character in "All About Women" still cracks me up.

  2. I'm still kicking myself for missing it in the theater here. Somehow, my sister who doesn't even like Chinese films went to see it.

  3. Your sister doesn't like Chinese films?!?!? We'll have to convert her! My aunt asked me why I like Asian movies so much and I told her its because Hollywood movies these days are either too much CGI, sequels, reboots, comic book adaptations, etc... (plus, I can improve my vocabulary watching the Mandarin movies). :)
