Friday, October 14, 2011

10.14.2011 - News [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

This post was produced by Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver: [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

Too Much Heaven, Part Four: Taiwan Film Days at the San Francisco Film Society

CNA: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (SG review)
"Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" is like a sports car with no engine - it looks stunning but doesn't actually go anywhere.

CF: Shu Qi Likely to be the Next Bond Girl
According to the plot of the film, a Chinese actress is needed to take the role of Bond Girl who is not only sexy and intelligent, but also rebellious and dangerous.
CF:Leading Actress of 'Magic' Finally Revealed
After a wave of promotional activity, which managed to conceal the identity of the leading actress, Wu Qianyu's face appears in the new trailer confirming her role in the movie. "Wu Qianyu [Karena Ng] has the chance to become next Angelababy!" producer-actor Bak-Ming Wong commented on the model-turned actress who is still not yet 18.

Karena Ng (Wu Qianyu)

Yan Ni plays a volleyball coach (Sina)

 Magic to Win

Poster for Love Never Dies (aka Blocked) (Sina)

Stills from The Legendary Amazons


Jeff Lau enlisted the aid of MV director Susie Au ("Ming Ming") to direct a concert scene in East Meets West.

Zhao Wei, the Golden Rooster Awards ambassador, has shot an underwater video with a group of male dancers to be shown at the awards ceremony Oct. 22. Not known for dancing in public and afraid of the water, seeing her dance underwater is indeed a rarity. Zhao Wei spent more than four hours to shoot the video and perfect each movement.


  1. I'm hoping it's Tang Wei who gets to be in the Bond film. Shu Qi would be fine, but I know there will be people who won't understand her phoneticized English. :(

    (I had a coworker who wouldn't watch Asian movies unless they were dubbed in English too!).

  2. Tang Wei's agent and FBB say they have had no contacts. That leaves Josie Ho, LBB and Shu Qi confirming contacts. Li Bingbing is doing Resident Evil and said she turned down some very good opportunity.

    If need be I can coach up Shu Qi! :D

  3. Let's ALL tutor Shu Qi on English. :)
