Thursday, November 3, 2011

SCMP: Gigi Leung makes time for marriage bliss at launch of Montblanc's chronograph exhibit [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

This post was produced by Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver:

Vivian Chen
Nov 03, 2011

If you were out and about in Lan Kwai Fong during Halloween, you might have run into celebrity newly-weds Gigi Leung Wing-kei and her Spanish husband, Sergio.

For the weekend Halloween parade in Central, the singer-actress had dressed up as Catwoman while her businessman-husband went in a Batman suit.

But the comic-book rivalry was instead caped in marital bliss for Monday's Montblanc exhibition titled "Writing Time: Two Centuries of Chronograph History" at Pacific Place. Leung, the guest of honour, opened up about her marriage to Sergio, whom she wed on October 3 in Ibiza, Spain.

"I feel more relaxed now that we are married and everyone knows about it," she said. "I want to spend more time with him, take him to all the tourist attractions and also try the local food."

However, there is no plan to move to Spain for good just yet, Leung says.

"He's going back to Spain in November, but I can't. I have work until January. It's OK to be separated for a bit. I think it will only make us sweeter," she said.

There are also plans to have children soon. "I'm not pregnant yet, but hopefully we can have a dragon baby next year," Leung said. "And maybe before then, we'll decide whether it's best to raise our kids in Hong Kong or Spain. We'll ask for advice from both families." (SCMP)

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