Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Xu Jiao Incurs Wrath of Cosers [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

This post was produced by Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver: http://yellowcranestower.blogspot.com

Child actress Josie Xu Jiao, posted photos of herself dressed in a maid's outfit at a Christmas display in Hangzhou a few days ago. When her pictures appeared on her weibo, Xu Jiao drew negative comments from 'cosers' for her outfit. The "real" cosplay fans disparaged her because her maid outfit was not a true cosplay costume (I think that's the issue). "...Some people said I do not respect cos but even though I am not a professional, I like animation and have a fanatical love for cos."  Poor Xu Jiao sincerely apologized to the professionals. She had gone to Hangzhou expressly to participate at a comic-con.

"My room is plastered with posters of anime, comic books are on the shelves, buy wigs and clothes on Taobao (an internet portal).  I learn to K-on electric guitar*, even though I had never before been interested in musical instruments, and I really fell in love with the guitar, because of K-on. On the 26th I was in Beijing for work and at 6 am had to catch a flight back to Hangzhou, to participate in the convention."

Finally, Xu Jiao apologized again, saying that though she was not a professional she would stick with it and try very hard; and to all professional cosers she apologized and hoped that they would understand her.

Xu Jiao's crime against cosplay



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