Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Spend Your Green on the Red, White and Blue [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

This post was produced by Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver: http://yellowcranestower.blogspot.com

Special kudos to Diane Sawyer for spotlighting this topic on ABC's World News all year.
Made in America: World News with Diane Sawyer - ABC News

CNN: Holiday shoppers pledge to 'Occupy Christmas' and buy American
Forbes: Amazing! Apple Actually Buys Something Made in America!


  1. I didn't read all the links, but whenever I see articles about China on yahoo.com news, I often see people posting comments about "Buy American Made", but for hi-tech items, what is still made in America? Hard disk drives, CPUs, Video cards, Hi Def TVs, digital cameras, cellphones, etc... are mostly or ALL made overseas and people need to start pointing fingers at the big corporations who have moved manufacturing overseas in order to maximize their profits (or else they can't pay the CEOS millions of dollars per year). The stock investors are partially to blame too, so are the so called industry analysts, etc... greed is what's killing America. :( People need to also realize there are some nice things made in China, but they aren't at cheap prices either. You get what you pay for. That's one big thing I like about the Japanese - they know good quality comes at a cost and are willing to pay for it. Sorry for the rant.

  2. Mainly, I wanted to clean out some old saved links. So I've conflated at least 3 different topics into this post so it's no surprise that it _might_ seem incoherent. ;D

    I hate it when people in tech forums (or fora) deride "Made in China" as code for cheap, inferior goods but then fail to look at the back of the their iPod/Pad/Phone. Ironically, or maybe not, the same used to be said for Made in Japan, Made in Hong Kong, and until recently Made in (South) Korea, in past decades.
