Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2011 Spring Festival Gala Sampler [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

For Dave, and others who might be interested in last year's broadcast of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.

Sohu: Links to clips from 2011's CCTV Spring Festival Gala
Another link with the lineup in English
Might have better videos, also with English subs added

Sampler from 2011
Opening song and dance "Home for the Holidays"
I forget who the singer might be. That's Zhao Dongyu and Shawn Dou Xiao fresh from "Under the Hawthorn Tree".

Singer Han Hong
Han Hong is a member of the PLA and has a terrific voice.

Jay Chou singing
That's Lin Chi-ling at the end. It segues into Jay's magic act but it's not included or maybe my memory is faulty.

Song Zuying
Long-rumoured to be now ex-President Jiang Zemin's mistress. She has a good voice and I have a few of her CDs. Song Zuying sings 'red' songs.

Subway singing angel, Xidan girl, Rue Yueli sings Missing Home
Very sweet. Her backstory is here.

Magic act
Later subject of controversy because it was suspected that the fish had magnets in their stomachs.

Fun with lasers and hula-hoops
The hula-hoop girl is pretty famous. I've seen her elsewhere on a Chinese talk show.

Singer Tan Jin
She'll be performing again this year. Tan Jin has performed every year since 2000 according to her bio. She sang with Jackie Chan and Eason Chan in 2009 for the gala and again with Eason in 2010. Member of the PLA Political Dept. Song and Dance Troupe. She also has an album and a song called "Yellow Crane Tower". ;D You can see and hear Tan Jin sing the song here.

Khalil Fong



  1. Cool! Many thanks!!

    I'll take a look when I get home tonight. :)

  2. I sure wish I could have Lin Chiling pop out of thin air. :)

  3. I really enjoyed the sampler. Loved Han Hong, Song Zuying, and Tan Jin. And the lasers and hula-hoops were awesome. Will definitely tune in to this year's festival!
