Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sina's Weibo Awards [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

This post was produced by Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver:

(Jan.4) Chinese web portal and online media company, Sina, held a network event in Beijng to hand out various awards to celebrities and other media individuals for their use of weibo in 2011. Among them:

Most influential TV actor and actress - Feng Shaofeng, Yang Mi
Most influential film actor and actress - Chen Kun, Li Bingbing
Most influential singer, male and female, Wang Feng, Jane Zhang Liangying

Sina CEO, Charles Chao and Li Bingbing (Sina)

Li Bingbing, Chen Kun, Charles Chao

Li Bingbing, Charles Chao

Feng Shaofeng, Yang Mi

Feng Shaofeng, Yang Mi, Sina COO Guan Duhong

Jane Zhang, Wang Feng

Wen Zhang accepting award for Most Popular Film "Love Is Not Blind"

Jane Zhang Liangying performing

Feng Shaofeng and Yang Mi also received the Weibo Night's "King and Queen" award
With presenters Kevin Tsai and Yao Chen

Pan Chen (English name: Underwater P), 
one of the seven 2009 Super Girl finalists

Yao Chen

Yao Chen
Chen Kun

Yang Mi

Second from left:  Huayi Bros. Wang Zhonglei and Song Ke, CEO of Taihe Rye Music, China's largest music company

Jane Zhang on the red carpet

Yao Chen, Kevin Tsai

Yang Mi, Feng Shaofeng on the red carpet (Sina)

And, from Weibo
Li Bingbing

Backstage getting made up before the show

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