Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2.21.2012 - News [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

CRI: "Fushan Mountains" Wraps up Shooting
The movie will enter its post-production stages. And the release date has yet to be confirmed.

Variety: Keanu Reeves to deliver masterclass in Hong Kong

Ning Hao's big bank robbery caper film has been given an English name, "Guns N'Roses" (previously aka Robbing the Gold/A Big Gold Robbery/Gold Mystery Case). It was revealed in the teaser trailer that was recently released. A summer release is planned.
Ning Hao

Ning Hao guesting as a police officer
"Scheme With Me" (aka "Tales of Two Cities"), starring Richie Jen, shares a similar storyline of a big gold robbery and opens February 24.

Monica Mok (Mo Xiaoqi) plays a young village woman in Manfred Wong and Raymond Yip's "Blood Stained Shoes". Kara Hui and Ruby Lin costar.
Working in a distillery

CF: Actress Shu Qi on Figaro Magazine
A1: HK's Liu Kai Chi to star in Singapore production
CNA: Edison Chen's marathon results voided amidst fraud allegations
MSN: Did Michelle Reis and Kelly Chen abandon their family for money?
These female artistes became the talk of the town recently, after it was reported that one female celebrity, with the initials 'K' had left her husband and daughter, in order to marry into a rich family.

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