Monday, June 25, 2012

Huang Bo's Micro Film - "Special Services" [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

Huang Bo's directorial effort for "Special Services" won an award at the Mobile Film Festival portion of the 15th SIFF for Best Internet Micro Film. Xu Zheng wrote the script and Wang Xun ("Crazy Stone", "Crazy Racer", "Design of Death", "Two Stupid Eggs") stars as a suicidal man who accidentally meets a happy girl. Director Doze Niu headed the micro film judging panel. (Sina) (Sohu)

Popular actor Huang Bo's "Special Service" was named Micro Movie of the Year at the festival's closing ceremony last night. (ShanghaiDaily)

Huang Bo 

First time directors - Huang Yi, Gigi Leung, Tian Yuan  (Sohu)

"Special Services" poster

(English subtitles)

Eleven Winners Announced at Mobile SIFF Closing Ceremony 
Grand Short Prize went to Russian film Insignificant Details of the Accidental Episode, which explores a philosophical idea about destiny through a comic story on the railway. 

Best Director award went to Poland's Pawel Maslona whose Eclipse deals with the issue of taking care of aged people.
Chen Minghao won Best Actor award for his excellent performance in Middle-aged Adventures: Out of Breath, and Wei Min was judged Best Scriptwriter for Transfer Station which follows the life of an intoxicated young driver. 

Jin Huaqing's Desire of Changhu won Best Documentary and popular film actor Huang Bo's Special Service won Micro Movie of the Year.

The People's Choice award went to Grandfather's Possessions directed by Wang Bojun and Li Fei. (SIFF)

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