Friday, October 5, 2012

Double Xposure - Posters [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

CF: White-haired Fan Bingbing in "Double Xposure"
In "Double Xposure" Fan plays a cosmetic consultant who is caught up in a double-murder mystery.

Li Yu's "Double Xposure" opened September 29. Fan Bingbing leads the cast that includes Feng Shaofeng, Huo Siyan and Joan Chen.

Huo Siyan

Feng Shaofeng



  1. Looks pretty good! I'm sure I'll end up seeing it on DVD, but folks in L.A. can catch it later this month at the China Onscreeen Biennial. Lots of other great stuff playing, including the new 3D version of Uproar in Heaven and the revolutionary opera The Red Detachment of Women. Sigh... so close yet just far enough...

  2. Cool!!

    I don't blame you. S.F. to L.A. is one long haul by car. However, I do recall that there is a vineyard, with champagne tasting room, en route. :D

    ...Ooooh, look, Lacuna (Zhang Jingchu)!

  3. I must have overlooked your previous news items about Lacuna. It sounds pretty cool! And I see that it's out on DVD now... hmm...

  4. And here I was thinking I posted too much Zhang Jingchu. Obviously, I need more ZJC!!!

    Coming soon... :D
