Saturday, February 16, 2013

Li Bingbing, Katy Perry share dress [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

SGYahoo: Li Bingbing, Katy Perry share dress
Li Bingbing vs Katy Perry (more photos)

Below, another edition of Roast Pork Raids the Weibo

Li Bingbing and Gucci bag


Making shabu-shabu (Feb.9)

Last week, Li Bingbing was in Los Angeles doing touristy stuff, practicing her English and shopping at Barnes & Noble. Hmm, maybe she is still tending to new mother Huang Yi?

Los Angeles - book shopping at Barnes & Noble, cafe (Feb.7)

At Kaplan International (on Westwood Drive?) brushing up on her English  (Feb.7)

Avenue of Stars (Feb.6)

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