Monday, April 8, 2013

Maylia - Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture (1949) [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

In Support of the Chinese in Hollywood Book Project

The things one finds on one's DVDR!

Back in December I recorded Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture (1949), the final entry in the Boston Blackie series, one of a bunch of 60 minute B-films made by Columbia Pictures to fill out a multi-feature movie bill. Last night, I finally got around to watching it.

Here are a few screen captures of Maylia (aka Grace Fong nee Grace Chin) from Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture. Maylia plays Mei Ling, niece of Charlie Wu, a laundry man found dead at the start of the film. In real life, Maylia/Grace Fong was married to Benson Fong (you might know him as Charlie Chan's #3 son, Tommy Chan) who also had a supporting role in this film.

Inspector Farraday, Detective Sgt. Matthews and Mei Ling


More to come...

Check out more great pictures and learn more about Maylia at David Wells' SoftFilm blog.


  1. I loved the bit with the underground Chinatown tour and the "extras" who go back to playing cards in between acting as tong men and slave girls.

    I wish Maylia made a few more films. She's quite charming!

  2. Yeah, that was hilarious !!!

    I was surprised at how different Maylia looked compared to her studio glam shots that you posted.
