Saturday, June 8, 2013

Faye Wong's "So Young" [Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver] (飲水思源)

Faye Wong

Video, with subtitles, of Faye Wong singing the theme song for "So Young" .

And here's Faye at age 14 performing solo on CCTV

Faye video: Singing "Hometown Sea"
"Little Lark's Song"

Here, Faye at 17 in Beijing for an album cover photo shoot


  1. Faye's new song is quite nice. Thanks too for the pics. So young indeed! Is that video of her singing at age 14 still online? In that last screen grab, she reminds me of Teresa Teng at a similar age.

  2. I saw a few news items with a brief clip of her singing. Another link requiring shockwake choked my laptop.

  3. ...added links to a couple clips. :D

  4. Thanks for the links! It was really cool seeing such a young Faye. :)

  5. this was very interesting watching 王菲 at an early age. Kind of like China in those years... you can just see the tension in peoples faces.. children of the Cultural Revolution. Faye is a goddess, thank you God for her
