Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jane Zhang Liangying - Chengdu Concert

(Oct. 1) Belated post of photos from Jane Zhang's Chengdu concert with guest Kitaro.

(Sina-slide show, more)


  1. I like Jane Zhang a lot - I don't know why some people criticize her because her English isn't perfect and some people think her non-high pitched singing voice is just so-so. I hope she stays popular, successful, and well grounded (humble).

  2. I couldn't resist posting these, I've become a big fan over the past few years. Hadn't heard about her English, but it's pretty good, imo. If it was perfect some of the charm would be lost.

    I wonder, now that she's left Huayi, whether she'll miss out on opportunities for singing movie theme songs. I notice that Laure Sheng Wenjie sang the themes for Huayi's Aftershock and If You Are the One.
