Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Huang Yi - April Bazaar Jewelry

Mostly, inspired by Audrey Hepburn.

Huang Yi



Anonymous said...

Nice! I love that first pic.

dleedlee said...

It's a striking image but looking closely the headdress seems to be just a raw red piece of felt. :D

ewaffle said...

Huang Yi looks amazing--just perfect for this shoot.

The hat in the first one does look like the kind of felt that is used to display jewelry under some circumstances. An interesting way to deal with it--just fold it over, chop out a piece for her face and put it on her head.

I am unhappy with the U.S Harpers Bazaar because they use gang focus on their editorial pages which can make them look like crap.

Not the case here--these look like you could shoot them at about 1000% and slap them on a billboard.

dleedlee said...

Dave, you'll be glad to know that photo is Huang Yi's favorite of the bunch. This, from her microblog. :D

Ed, what's 'gang focus', a PS function?

ewaffle said...

"Ed, what's 'gang focus', a PS function"

It is a pre-press term that may not be in use as such any more--another term is 'common focus' but what they both mean is setting up the pictures for a sheet--which might be 16 or 32 pages in the final magazine--in such a way that most of the them are more or less sharp. Which means that none or very few of them have the kind of pop off the page look that one has expected to see in fashion mags.

Not sure if that begins to explain it or causes it to make even less sense.

dleedlee said...

Hmmm, thanks...for trying ;D

I have a buddy in the commercial print business and sometimes he tells me what he's working on and the processes and I don't understand a hair of it. But I get your drift. 8}

Anonymous said...

Dave, you'll be glad to know that photo is Huang Yi's favorite of the bunch. This, from her microblog.

Cool! It's a great look: spontaneously avant-garde without being pretentious.

BTW, how many celebrity microbloggers are you following now? ;)

dleedlee said...

BTW, how many celebrity microbloggers are you following now?
I beg your pardon, they're following me! ;D

Besides, it's all for, you, my valued readers. orz

Surprisingly, or maybe not, there's a lot of photos of pets (cats, dogs with cone collars) and meals. Just like you or me might. Wing Shya's is pretty impressive, though.

Anonymous said...

"dogs with cone collars"... you've been holding out on me, Dennis. I want pictures! ;p

dleedlee said...

There you go, poking the bear...